See some of the products we use and work we do on sump pumps, pump stations, effluent systems and more...
Sump Pumps
Control Panels

Flygt duplex grinder 5HP pump station installed by Upstream Pump Service for Kiewit

Duplex pump system designed for two different septic field installations

Replaced both pumps, floats & pipework on a Failed Duplex Sewage Station

Duplex sump pump system with Myers WGL20-21 grinder pumps in a Myers CGL20-21 control panel

Complete removal and installation of a submersible duplex pump system

Complete duplex pump system installation

Submersible sump pump on a float switch that pumps storm water away from the homeowners property

Single 1/2HP pump on a float switch that pumps effluent to a septic field

Single sump pump, float switch & re piped because of excessive iron buildup in the water.